Safety Center

Keeping users safe is our highest priority.

Green Flags is an app designed to boost your friends and your own self-esteem. Here's our approach to ensuring a secure and private environment for you.

How Green Flags keeps data safe:

  • We will never share or sell your data to advertisers or data brokers.
  • We will never track you across online services.
  • We only request your approximate location once at signup to suggest nearby schools. (We encourage you to turn this off once you've been assigned to a school).
  • We do not store location data on our servers.
  • We do not link location data to your account.

How Green Flags keeps you safe:

  • We only let friends, contacts, and classmates vote on each other. Never strangers.
  • We do not allow direct messaging between users, even if you are friends.
  • All Green Flags are positive so you can't be bullied.
  • We review reports every day and remove users who break the rules.
  • We provide email support to all users.
  • We’re always open to suggestions to improve the safety experience, and although we might not be able to implement all suggestions, we will do our best to assess all feedback.

How to stay safe on Green Flags:

Only join schools that you currently attend.

Schools are provided to help friends find each other. When you join a school that isn't yours, people who don't know you can request to be friends with you. Never join a school that you don't attend. If you change schools, you're permitted to request a change once, so email us at to get it updated.

Only send or accept friend requests from people who you know in real life.

Green Flags is an app to designed for people that you know. Adding strangers will allow people who don't know you to vote on you.

Do not share phone numbers, devices, or codes with anyone, including your friends.

Sharing phones or your phone number can cause your account to be compromised or your user data to be corrupted.

Disable Location Access after signing up.

Green Flags does not need your location after signing up. We only use it to find nearby schools to join. Disabling it will not impact your experience. To disable, open the Settings app › select Green Flags › Set Location to Never.

Set Your Privacy Preferences

Your friends can see your Top Green Flags when visiting your profile If you are not comfortable with this, you can hide them by going to EDIT PROFILE › TOP FLAGS › PRIVATE › UPDATE

How to keep friends safe:

Report users who are breaking the rules

If you see a user breaking the rules, email us at to investigate. Provide us as much information as you can.

Do not sign up under someone else's name.

Green Flags works best when the names you see in polls are the people who they say they are. If you sign up with a fake name, it hurts our community and your friends experience. If we have any reason to suspect you have signed up with a fake name, we will disable your account.

How to reach us:

We are always trying to make Green Flags better. If you have any feedback or want to report a negative experience, please reach out at